This is an introduction to the chapter I wrote for Developing Expertise Through Experience, edited by Alan Maley. The book is available as a free download. You can also listen to me discuss this as part of a Panel Discussion by the Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers (SPELT).
Lessons from videos of police activities
Seeing people being killed by police on videos as you know has sparked outrage around the world. For 60 years I have urged teachers to record and or video their classes and then transcribe one page of interactions taken at random or at places you think you did something well or not so well. I have suggested that each teacher analyze the interactions, with another person if possible so that at least 2 interpretations of the interactions can be shared. I have pointed out that what we actually do, seen in the videos, what we had wanted to do and and what we thought we did are usually three different events.
I think that police forces could benefit by analyzing videos of their interactions in the same way that I have invited teachers to do. Football players analyze their plays, surgeons analyze their operations, psychiatrists analyze their interactions.
If police officers looked at what they did non judgmentally and started to note what actions they took they thought had positive consequences and which had negative consequences I think the incidence of tragic events would decrease. Of course there would still be tragic events since police in the US at least have guns and when confronted with a person who you think is threatening you it is not easy to know what action to take. But by seeing how a range of police offices handled such threats a range or reactions could begin to be learned.
Though our actions in the classroom do not lead to killing there are moments when we may inadvertently shame a student which can have a negative effect for some time. But seeing how others deal with a student who seems to be insulting you or fellow teachers or a student who is sleeping in class can expand the range of options which is likely to lead to fewer negative impacts on our students.
Let’s analyze what we do to expand the options and not judge what we or our students do.
All the best in these trying times.
ALAN MALEY’s latest book
Maley Print Chapter (1)Fellow explorers. Alan Maley, the most creative voice in our field for decades, edited a book published by the British Council titled Developing expertise through experience in 2019.
I think it is a must read! Full disclosureâI wrote one of the 20 chapters.
Alan asked 20 people from all over the world, most non-native speakers of English, to respond to the same questions. To me, this was a novel idea. And I think that each of us who responded to the same questions shows clearly how each of us developed in quite different ways.
Alan wanted to give substance to N.S. Prabuâs idea of âthe teacherâs sense of plausibility.â Prabu believes that certainty in teaching is dangerous because it prevents us from exploring and leads to routine. [N. S. Prabu. Second Language Pedagogy (OUP, 1987)] Alan had worked with Prabu in India.
I am sorry to say that I missed out on reading Prabu, unfortunately. Having been introduced to him I now see how similar we are in much of our thinking both about teaching and the preparation of teachers. He refers to F. L. Billows in his Forward to Alanâs book. This struck a chord with me as Billows is a person who has had a major influence on me. I met him in Uganda when I was working with teachers in Somalia and he graciously signed my copy of The Techniques of Language Teaching (1961, Longmans) He said that initially his manuscript had been rejected because he had no empirical data to support his ideas. But the editors, fortunately, saw the value of his ideas and activities.
But back to Alanâs book. As you can see I am copying  my chapter. But you will learn so, so much more if you buy the book and read the contributions of the other 19 and also Alanâs Introduction and Prabuâs Foreward.
Developing Expertise Through Experience
Editor, Alan Maley, The British Council 2019
John F. Fanselowâs Chapter 2, (29-38)
My quest to understand learning and teaching.
My earliest experiences of language learning and education, which have affected my current views and practices.
I went to a Catholic elementary school. I wanted to be an altar boy. One requirement was that we were able to say the responses in Latin. In this case âsayâ meant recite the words even if we did not understand what they meant.
The person in charge of training altar boys said my accent was not good enough to be an altar boy. Yet in studying to recite the words, I found the juxtaposition of the Latin sentences and the English renditions fascinating. So rather than give up, I applied to be a choirboy. The choirmaster asked me to read a few lines from the Gloria in Latin and he said fine.
My experiences with Latin fed my curiosity about languages, so when I went to secondary school and was told I could take at least one year of a foreign language, I was thrilled. I took Spanish because more people spoke it than French and German, the other two languages on offer.
Discovering that there were such things as feminine and masculine nouns and adjectives, among other differences, was exciting. To this day I am fascinated by word origins in English.
Language teaching around the world I believe would be greatly enhanced if languages were not required and there were no external commercial examinations. As Paulo Freire (1976) among others has said, âWe are wired to learn!â âCan I do this? Can I do that or the other thing?â These questions represent our constant odyssey. It is ironic that the origin of âcuriousâ is related to being careful!
My greatest influence was my experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer at a teacher training college in Nigeria.
I was about to graduate from college with a degree in Spanish and English, eager to get a high-school teaching job when President Kennedy established the Peace Corps. He wanted to send Americans to other countries to learn about other people, return to the US and share what they learned with fellow citizens and in the meantime, maybe do some good, but for sure no harm.
I had no particular country in mind but my spoken Spanish was not great, so I applied for a position in Latin America thinking it would be a way refine it my Spanish. But there were no positions there in 1961. So I accepted a position in Nigeria, teaching English, saying bye-bye to improving my Spanish.
I was assigned to a Teacher Training College to teach language and literature and supervise practice teachers. Two problems: first, the teachers I was supervising each had from 4 to 20 more yearsâ experience than I had; second, they were teaching Nigerian history and geography, the currency system adopted from Englandâpounds, shillings, pence, before decimalization; British systems of measurements such as poles, rods and perches; etc.âinformation that was all new to me.
Fortunately for me, in the primary schools where the teachers were practice-teaching, there were two primary 1 classes, two primary 2 classes, all the way up to primary 6. Also, the timetable mandated that each stream study the same subjects at the same time each day.
I decided that the only way I could be the least bit useful would be to observe the first 20 minutes of the first period in one stream and the second 20 minutes of the first period in the other stream. I wrote down as much as I could of what each teacher and some students said and did, with the intention of sharing what the teachers did with each other and what their students produced.
At the end of the day, when I met the two teachers teaching primary one, for example, I would say, âOkon, Benedict wrote the date and all the directions on the board and had the students copy them as they looked at the board. You said the date and had the students look at the board, then look only at their notebooks and write what they remembered. So, Okon, tomorrow do what Benedict did. And Benedict, please do what Okon did.â
Key people who have left an enduring mark on my life, beliefs and practices.
You will recall that the practice teachers I was supervising had more experience and knowledge of what they were teaching than I did.
Although telling teachers who taught the same classes to try out activities that were slightly different made me feel mildly useful, the range of activities that we tried was very limited. I thought that the teachers I was charged with developing were being short-changed because of my ignorance.
Fortunately for me, the British Council had posted an English Language Officer in Enugu, the capital of the Eastern Region, where I was teaching. He was charged with visiting schools and introducing books and lessons to teachers. Just as I was thinking how I was short-changing the teachers, he visited me.
He visited the primary school where my practice teachers were teaching and demonstrated some alternative activities. He gave me books by Michael West (1961)âread and look up; A. S. Hornby (1961)âways to teach structural words and sentence patterns; F. G. French (1960)–ways to use sketches, and give dictations, to name just some of the many activities he suggested; P. Gurrey (1955) who introduced me to the 9 types of questions: yes/no; either/or; question word about facts in the text, inferences from the text or personal experience, etc
The fact that he taught my classes to demonstrate what these books suggested became one foundation of my professional life: do not just read but also do. Crucial as reading can be, we have to act in order to learn.
Key ideas and publications which have helped form or change my beliefs and practices.
While I was teaching at Teachers College, Arno Bellack and colleagues there had published The language of the classroom (1966). They had asked social studies teachers to teach a speech on free trade by John F. Kennedy. They told the teachers they could use whatever methods they wanted but they all had to use the same text.
In the event, each teacher focussed on a totally different section of the text. But all spent most of their time asking factual questions. So the content which was supposed to be the same was in fact different in each class – but the methods teachers used were the same.
Imagine all the possibilities
Since my time in Nigeria, I have read many other descriptions of classrooms. Almost every analysis of classroom interactions shows that the number of activities done in classrooms is extremely limited. Factual questions predominate. As in Dickensâ satire of Mr. Gradgrind in Hard Times (1854): âFacts alone are wanted in lifeâ, was Gradgrindâs mantra.
In Nigeria, I thought having a teacher write the directions rather than say them was a big step forward. But having observed classrooms through the years, I have seen that the options available are much broader and more numerous. Yet in our teaching we often fail to remember this fact.
As we know, the number of radii in a circle is infinite. But the narrow range of activities in most classrooms represents around 25% of those available. Here is just one way to expand the activities beyond the making just a small change.
Students in many countries erase mistakes they make during a dictation. One teacher asked her students to write, âI like ice cream.â In both her classes at the same level, she said the sentence three times. After saying the sentences, she wrote the sentence on the board. But in one class she asked the students to keep their erasers in their pencil cases.
She discovered that in the class where students could not erase and correct their sentences, only 10 out of 40 had written the sentence correctly. âI iceâ, âI creamâ, âI springâ were among the renditions.
I was introduced to Douglas Barnes (1976) among others, who had analysed classroom interactions from various perspectives. At the same time, so-called designer methods were being introduced. When I saw Caleb Gattegno teach a class without saying a word and Charles Curran teach a class eliciting the language students wanted to learn in their first language and then writing what they wanted to say in English, I thought âWow, substituting written directions for spoken directions and not using erasers are nothing by comparison!â
Reading how Sylvia Ashton-Warner (1963) had Maori children draw sketches of experiences they had in their homes and then wrote lines for them to match their emotional experiences I felt even more keenly how limited my practices had been.
But when I read Frank Smithâs books on reading (1971) and later on learning (1988), I began to see how the designer methods and Barnes and Ashton-Warner, who were out of the mainstream, all had two similar messages: nurture natural curiosity and, following Plato, remind people of what they already know.
Key publications in my personal and professional development.
Reading literature in university provided crucial lessons for my development as a teacher and a person. One relates to ways of analysing literature and the other to the message that authors try to convey.
When we discussed a poem, a play, or a scene from a novel each of us tended to have slightly different interpretations. âWhy was Antonio sad in the opening lines of The Merchant of Venice? Some gave opinions before reading no more than the opening scene. Others shared their reasons after reading more scenes. A few had opinions picked up from reviews of the play in production. So I found one-dimensional comments that are common in discussions of teaching hard to accept after studying literature.
When we re-read a poem or lines from a play aloud we tended to stress different groups of words, conveying some novel emotions and employing distinct gestures. So when I discussed videos of teachers and students I would ask viewers to speak the teachersâ lines with different emotions, to remind them that carrying out even such a regular activity as giving directions can be engaging, off-putting, boring or a waste of time, depending on small changes in how we express ourselves
When I re-read parts of Don Quixote years after college, I realized that his seeing windmills as dragons, through his knightâs visor, was no different from each of us seeing an activity in a particular wayâuseful, not useful, challenging, boringâdepending on our perception. I have substituted a pair of huge sunglasses for Don Quixoteâs visor to remind teachers that we all wear a particular pair of glasses and until we substitute other pairs, we cannot see what we observe in new ways.
On a course in film, one of the films we analysed was Rashomon, directed by Kurosawa. In the film, various characters give conflicting accounts of the same event.
Without these themes from Cervantes, Plato, Dickens, Kurusawa and others in my literature classes, I doubt I would have written Breaking Rules (1987), Contrasting Conversations (1992a), Try the Opposite (1992b), and Small changes in teaching, big results in learning (2018).
Walt Whitman developed many themes in Leaves of Grass – equality, individuality, acceptance of differences to name a few, I have quoted the following, which is in tune with John Dewey, Frank Smith and others who remind us that we can learn only by predicting and experiencing ourselves, not by being told or talked at.
I lead no man to a dinner table, library, exchange,
But each man and each woman of you I lead upon a knoll ,âŚ
My right hand pointing to landscapes of continents and
The public road.
Not I, not anyone else can travel that road for you.
You must travel it for yourself.
Critical incidents/ epiphanies in life and work, which have given me new insights.
After my film course, when Rashomon opened my eyes, I started to ask teachers to bring in clips of favourite movies and TV programs that they thought had scenes we could learn about teaching from. One teacher brought in a clip from Witness for the prosecution. In the film Charles Laughton is the defence attorney. He asks many âyes/noâ questions. After each one, the witness continues to talk after saying âyesâ or ânoâ. The judge intervenes to tell the witnesses that they have to limit their response to âyesâ or ânoâ. Many teachers too have been deluded that responses to âyes/noâ questions are limited to âyesâ or ânoâ.
My focus on literature, film and TV goes along with two other influences on my thinking: botany and The Dewey Decimal System.
We were required to take one science lab course in college. I chose botany because I loved gardening and as a Boy Scout I learned a lot about how Indians used plants and how trees were important to support the lives of insects and animals.
A key feature of my botany class was the taxonomy of plants. When I discovered that roses and strawberries were related, I was blown away. I mean if you ask 100 people what a rose and a strawberry have in common few could state any connections. So discovering that plants are grouped on the basis of multiple characteristicsânumber of stamens and pistils, configuration of leaves, type of roots, etc. was stimulating. Bellack (1966) grouped student and teacher communications in the same way that botanists group plants– looking at multiple characteristics. I found this connection very exciting.
O In high school, I was fascinated how the books were arranged in our library using the Dewey Decimal System: 300, social studies, 307 Communities as a subcategory of social studies, 500 science and 550 Earth sciences as a subcategory. Dewey reminded me that categories were insufficient; we need to use sub-categories. So in my coding system I described in Beyond Rashomon (1977), I point out that we communicate using linguistic, non-linguistic, para-linguistic and silence. But I then indicate that each of these mediums can appeal to our ears, our eyes and our feelings.
So there are two Deweys in my influences: Melvil (1876) and John (1938)! Coincidentally, both Deweys, like me, ended up at Columbia University in New York City. John as a professor and Melvil as the founder of the first school of library science in the United States.
Themes emerging from my chapter.
I missed Prabhuâs writings while developing my own ideas about preparing teachers. But reading him now, I resonate with his thinking. He reminds us of the importance and power of joint exploration. One of my themes has been to jointly develop with teachers ways to constantly explore. As we jointly explore, I remind teachers that they should accept suggestions from others only if they fit the situations they are in – and to have faith in their beliefs based on their experiences. These ways to explore are suggestions I have been making for decades, with a nod to John Rogers, my British Council Mentor in Nigeria, among others.
Technology had a big impact on my development as a joint explorer. When video recorders became easier and easier to use, the teachers in my classes and I started to make recordings of interactions. As a result, we could transcribe and look at the data together rather than just at my notes, as had been the case in Nigeria. Over time we involved the students in the exploration as well.
Working as a peer rather than an expert was not done in a heartbeat. Initially, some teachers balked at jointly transcribing. âWe are too busy to write what we and our students say and do in the recordings.â After transcribing for decades, of course I understood their concern. So I suggested first that they transcribe exchanges that fitted on one sheet of A4. Second, I suggested they ask their students to transcribe the same exchanges, again just those that would fit on one sheet of A4. Even this amount of transcribing takes from fifteen to thirty minutes.
Again technology had a big impact. More recently, I have had students record their interactions with their cell phones and take pictures of pages from their notebooks and information on the whiteboard. The availability of the new technology has made it possible to have teachers and their students more engaged in the joint non-judgmental analysis of what they do. The initial resistance faded as teachers saw that they could use the transcriptions as the basis for planning their subsequent classes.
Not only did they generate alternatives from what they analysed but they saw what language they needed to work on with their students, based on the errors they noted as they transcribed. The students also began to notice their errors. Teachers discovered that the transcripts eliminated the need to prepare, administer and grade tests.
All of the joint exploration that I have learned to do over the years has increasingly exemplified Prabhuâs âsense of plausibilityâ.
Given the state of teacher preparation, it seems that, tragically, many others also missed Prabhuâs discussion of âa sense of plausibilityâ. Most MA programs, as well as Trinity and other certificate programs are into one-size-fits-all, a focus on learning from the experts. Few if any invite teachers to record and analyze transcriptions of their teaching nor develop with them ways to non-judgmentally analyze what they say and do. Every service industry except teaching reminds us when we call that our call might be recorded so that the service company can better understand the needs of their clientsâstudents to us.
My beliefs about languages and teaching and learning them
Languages, like music, dance, art, mathematics and all other forms of communication enable us to create new worlds for us and others to experience. Not all the worlds we create bring joy but all enrich us.
To me, teaching, whether languages or any skill or subject, is reminding people of what they already know and nurturing natural curiosity. The dialogue in which Socrates teaches geometry to a slave in Menoâs house is the classic example of how we can prompt a person to make use of what they do not realize they know.
I believe that learning is predicting, solving problems, and seeking answers to questions. If we do not have a question we want to explore answers to, we cannot learn. We cannot get through even a few minutes without making predictions. When we enter a building, we have to determine whether the door opens inwards or outwards or slides to the left or to the right. When we see something we have not seen before, such as a butterfly, we ask questions such as, âWhy is it yellow and black? How long will it live? Where did it come from?â Ignorance is the beginning of knowledge and understanding.
Learning is doing as well as predicting, though they work in unison. As a Boy Scout, I learned how to tie knots by watching others tie knots, looking at sketches in the Boy Scout Manual and playing with rope. I later read John Deweyâs Education and Experience (1938) and was thrilled that ways I had learned to tie knots had the backing of a widely respected philosopher.
John Dewey did not limit his idea of learning-by-doing to manual skills like knot-tying though. Nor do I. In learning languages we have to manipulate bits of language, experience the relationships between the sounds of the language, make the symbols that represent the sounds on paper with pens or touch-typed on a computer screen, say the bits of language, read them and relate them to our experiences.
All forms of communication- language, art, etc. – are creative acts. Whether learning geometry, knot-tying or anything else, we bring something new into being for ourselves and often for others too.
The importance of small changes
A central conversation I have with teachers is to remind them of the complexity of interactions. The idea that A causes B is widespread in all fields. âWe declare a war on drugsâ has been a theme of many US presidents. All the evidence shows that de-criminalizing drugs has more positive outcomes than having a war on drugs. But for whatever reasons, the leaders of many countries believe that A causes B, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that this is a fallacy.
âYou can change the world, but please donât unless you know what you are doing!â is a comment I heard in a talk at Teachers College by James Garbarino about bullying and school shootings in the US. It resonated with me because it is a central theme of my latest book: Small changes in teaching, big results in learning (2018).
Ministries of Education and publishers believe in the same myth – that A causes B, whether they want to stop bullying, control drugs and all other complex problems with a simple solution. âWe have a new series of textbooks which will lead all students to be proficient. We have tests to check their progress.â In my experience, big changes, new programs, text-book series stultify teacher-creativity and initiative. They also fail.
These institutional dictates not only fly in the face of Prabhuâs sense of plausibility but are ineffectual too. Test scores on standardized commercial tests are closely related to the ability of students to take tests, to the educational level of their parents and to the family income. How can new texts and programs move the test scores if these other variables are so powerful in determining success?
From a transcription of a 3-minute recording of students and their teachers both can learn more about what they need to learn than being given a score on IELTS of 15 in grammar and 17 in vocabulary or scores of 300 or whatever on TOEIC or TOEFL. The fact that only 25% of students could write âI like ice creamâ in my earlier example, could not be captured in a thousand years by standardized tests.
When students and teachers see what they have said they are often surprised. But a momentâs thought reminds us that if we have even 10 students in a class, much less 40, we cannot hear what they are saying. Couples misunderstand each other all the time. I was once walking with a couple who had been married 50 years. We saw two food trailers next to the path: one selling curry and one coffee. Marge asked, âKen, would you like a cup of coffee?â Ken replied, âItâs a bit early for curry.â
I focussed on small changes initially because I was ignorant of what to do. But through the years I have seen that if we make small changes, they are easier to implement than large ones. If they are upsetting or not useful they are easy to stop using. We can see the consequences more easily than if we make large changes involving many variables.
Two final thoughts
Firstly, checking claims:
My quest to understand teaching and learning, discussed in this chapter, focuses on two deficiencies in the preparation not only of teachers but of everyone: scepticism and an admission of ignorance. My ignorance of what the teachers I was supervising knew led me to much new learning.
Unless we follow Socrates and act like a gadfly, we cannot understand how far what we do, what we want to do and what we think we do are in tune. We have to question whether what we are doing that we think is useful, might not be, and whether what we are doing that we think is not useful, might be useful.
Secondly, the teacher as a human being.
I have been analyzing excerpts from lessons with teachers and students for 56 years. As part of the analyses, I have encouraged teachers I visit to ask their students to comment on their teaching. Here is a comment from one of my students from a secondary school in an affluent suburb of Chicago. Teachers I have learned with through the years have received similar comments.
âI feel you are more of a human being than a teacher. You understand the students; therefore you communicate with them better than the teachers that set themselves up on a pedestal!â
To what extent can analysis aimed at expanding the range of engaging and useful activities lead to this type of reaction from our students? To what extent can we recruit people into teaching who will elicit this type of reaction? To what extent can we retain teachers who elicit this type of reaction? Provide experiences that enable teachers to develop a sense of plausibility! If we deal with the teachers we work with as humans and not from a pedestal, it is more likely teachers will treat those they work with in the same way.
If claims were checked not only about our teaching but about the war on drugs, hundreds of thousands of lives would be saved and millions of people would learn more and in more satisfying and engaging ways. And the multibillion-dollar scam perpetrated by commercial standardized-test companies would be out of business.
In a way thinking about being human is similar to being sceptical: In both cases we remind ourselves of our ignorance.
Ashton-Warner, S. (1963) Teacher. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Barnes, D. (1976) From Communication to Curriculum. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Bellack, A. A., Kliebart, H. M., Hyman, R. T. & Smith, F. L. (1966). The Language of the Classroom. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Curran C. (1972) Counseling-Learning–A whole person model for education. New York: Grune and Stratton.
Dewey, J. (1970) (Orig.1938) Experience and education. New York: Collier Books.
Dewey, M. (1876) A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library, Forgotten Books. (Original publisher not known)
Dickens, C. (1854) Hard Times. London: Bradury and Evans.
Fanselow, J. F. 1977. Beyond Rashomon–conceptualizing and describing the  teaching act. TESOL Quarterly. Vol. XI, March. (Reprinted in Allwright,R (ed) Observation in the language classroom. (1988) London: Longman.)
Fanselow, J. F. (1987) Breaking Rules – Generating and Exploring Alternatives in Language Teaching. White Plains, NY: Longman.
Fanselow, J. F. (1992a) Contrasting Conversations â Activities for Exploring our Beliefs and Teaching Practices. White Plains, NY: Longman.
Fanselow, J. F. (1992b) Try the Opposite. Tokyo: SIMUL Press.
Fanselow, J. F. (2018) Small changes in teaching, big results in learning: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Videos, activities and essays to stimulate fresh thinking about language learning. Tokyo:The International Teacher Development Institute.
Freire, P. (1976) Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Continuum.French, F. G. (1960) English in tables: A set of blue prints for sentence builders. London: Oxford University Press.
Gattegno, C. (1963) Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools â The Silent Way. New York: Educational Solutions
Gurrey, P. (1955) Teaching English as a foreign language. London: Longmans.
Hornby, A. S. (1961) The teaching of structural words and sentence patterns. London: Oxford University Press
Smith, F. (1971) Understanding reading: A psycholinguistic analysis of reading and learning to read. New York: Hold, Rinehart and Winston
Smith, F. (1988) The Book of Learning and Forgetting. New York. Teachers College Press
West, M. (1960). Teaching English in difficult circumstances: teaching English as a foreign language with notes in the technique of textbook construction. London: Longmans, Green.
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PS I started this blog with a claim that Alan has been the most creative person in our field for a long time. Here is a poem he wrote which is printed in the inside front cover of developing expertise through experience which distills the messages in all of our chapters:
Events Alan MaleyÂ
Nothing circumvents
The power of events.
But we are not without defence.
For we are active agents
Not passive patients.
Events are the raw materials life sends,
For us to shape them to our ends
What matters is not what they do to us.
But what we do with them.
Events are the grapes,
We make the wine.
Events are the shapes
That we re-align.
Events are the threads
That shuttle through our lives.
We weave the tapestry
With our evolving artistry.
Events are the water,
We are not their slave.
As they pour over us,
We shape them to a wave
Think of the power of happenstance,
Moments when we took a chance.
Think of all those places
and half-remembered faces
that happened to us
as we made our way
from day to day …
Something we accidentally read,
Something a respected colleague said,
A mail someone once sent us,
A book someone once lent us,
A class that went spectacularly wrong
That made us think about it hard and long.
A talk we went to at a conference,
That only, years later, made sudden sense.
And the slow incubation of time.
Experiences fermenting –
And the exhilaration
of unending exploration.
TEFLology sharing of an audio version of chapters from Small Changes
Recently, the TEFLology Podcast shared me reading some chapters from Small Changes. Some of my former students suggested that I record Small Changes so that an Audio Book version would be available. Those who suggested this were all fans of TEFLology. They like to listen to the podcasts as they work out or commute or even garden!.
The podcasts from TEFLology have made a very big contribution to professional development around the world.
But both for those whose first language or second or third language is English, having audio versions plus printed versions can be helpful. All of us miss some of what we hear and if we have a printed version to check or to follow as we listen we can master some new patterns or the use of some structural words and vocabulary that we are not very familiar with.
So I have started to transcribe the audio of the 29 videos that illustrate what I suggest in the printed and audio versions of Small Changes.
I am attaching two that I just finished. One advantage of transcribing is that I realized that I could add remarks after the fact that grew out of comments and questions that teachers had after they watched the videos.
Enjoy, enjoy.
Quite a year for books on teacher education
In my Language Teaching Professionals blog I urged teachers to read Developing expertise through experience edited by Alan Maley and published this year, 2019.
Steve Walsh and Steve Mann edited The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education in 2019 also. Their book has twice as many chapters as Alan’s. But because many of the 39 chapters in the Walsh/Mann book are co-authored the number of voices is close to 3 times more than in Alan’s book.
The Steves dedicate their handbook “To all teacher educators.” But their book, like Alan’s I think is very useful for any teachers keen to understand what they do and develop their teaching.
There are suggestions for analyzing transcripts of our teaching–as you know a theme central to all of my writing and teaching. There are ideas for ways to select materials, on line sources for personal development, ways to develop networks with others, and on and on.
I have not read all of the chapters but following my urging of everyone to read one item 3 times rather than three items 1 time I have focused on a few chapters, mainly voices that were new to me and not native speakers of English.
The authors share experiences from all over the world and from the widest possible range of teaching situations.
As Dr. Martin Wedell writes on the back page of the book, The RHoELTE is “accessible, authoritative and comprehensive and up-to-date.”
Full disclosure–I have a chapter in the Routledge Handbook and Alan’s book. In both cases, my contributions have been much improved by the careful and supportive editing from the editors. Not only did the Steves and Alan select people so that we get a comprehensive overview of teacher education but they helped us all crystallize our ideas.
“Good on ya!”
John, Enjoy, enjoy.
Transcripts for impeachment and for learning about our teaching
As you know, I am an advocate of recording and with our students transcribing a few minutes of the recordings. One goal is to see ways what we do, think we do and actually do are different. For the past few months, lawyers, legislators and citizens in the US have another goal for analyzing transcripts: to see to what extent the President of the US said anything that violated any laws.
The transcripts that have been shared on TV are in fact not transcripts, as some commentators continually remind us. They contain periods . . . at various places to indicate that words were said that were not recorded. Requests to make public not only complete transcripts of the conversations between the president of the US and the Ukraine but the actual recordings have not been answered. And with good reason probably as President Nixon had to resign when he was forced to release recordings and transcriptions.
Obviously a 3 minute transcript of our teaching is not as momentous as transcripts of presidents in the scheme of things. But to us who want to understand what we do and ensure that what we do is serving our students it is momentous. Teaching is our professional life.
Here is a transcript from a commercially produced video. As you read it, write down what you think the teacher believes learning and teaching are. As you might remember from previous blogs I think teaching is reminding people of what they already know and providing feedback to guide them from errors to correct use of language. And I think learning is predicting and using languages.
Of course cannot read the teachers mind. But just as lawyers and others are trying to understand the intent of President Trump in his conversation with the president of another country by analyzing the partial transcript so you can analyze the transcript. Of course the visual actions of the teacher and her students would add a great deal more information, still the words provide loads of data to analyze.
                                  Vocabulary Role Play
T: All right, on this page, there is a word that tells what he did.
(Name of student.) Do you know what it is?
S: . . . found. He found a bean.
T: Right. The word is found. And you know what? I believe I have the word found right here. Letâs practice what that might look like. Found.
(Places a flash card with the word found on it on an easel showing Jasper in a reader.)
S: Found.                                                                                    9
T: If Jasper found a bean that was on the groundâAh!
And he found it. Ah! Can you show me?
SSS: Found it.
T: One more timeâAh found it. (Moves hand along floor where there is a plastic stick.) I can find it right now! Now Iâm not looking at it. I already found it.
SSS: Found it.                                                                         15
T: One more time. Show me what that would look like.
T and SSS: found it. (Moving hands towards plastic stick on the floor.)
T: Good job.
All right.
T: So weâre going to need to use the word found. Found. Letâs put it right here. (Puts the flash card on the easel.) Found. Itâs an action word. Itâs what he did.
T and SS: On Tuesday, he planted it. (Pointing to the line on the reader on the easel.)
T: What did he do on Tuesday? (Name of student.)
S: He planted it.                                                                           26
T: Could you show us what that might look like?
Come on up. You may even use the tool he used to plant it.
Can you find it?
Whereâs the tool that he used. Now look carefully.
Which tool do you have in your hand.?
(Student is holding a lavender shovel.)
Does this look like the shovel? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 33
(Pointing to the tool on the page of the reader on the easel.)
Go take a look at the tools.
See if she can find the tool that matches it.
(We see the flash cards with the word shovel and rake on two toys
tools minus the article.)
Which tool is that?
S: Trowel                                                                                         40
T: Say a trowel, trowel. Iâm going to borrow the label again. And Iâm going to take it back again for now. And can you show us how he planted that bean?
S: (Moves trowel along the carpet.)
T: Nice Job. Everybody show me how Jasper planted his bean?
Say the word with meâplanted.
SSS: Planted. (As they move their hands along the carpet.)
T: Oh, you have to put the bean in the ground too. Dig the hole again
with your trowel. (Said as students were patting the carpet with their
hands.)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 50
Put the bean in. Cover it up. Now, show me planted all by yourself.
He used that flashlight to help him do something.
(As one student takes the flash card with the word flashlight on it from
the wall.)
Reinforcing Action Words
T: Letâs look at the word. Letâs look at the words in our story and see
what he did with the flashlight. How he used it. He used it.
(Points to line in reader on easel which has the words)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 58
Read it with me. (Teacher points to each word in the sentence with the
plastic item that she had previously had on the floor.)
T and SSS: âOn Friday night he picked up all the slugs and snails.â
T: What did he do?
SSS: He picked up slugs and snails.                                                63
T: He pickedâshow me what that would look like, to pick up slugs and snails.
SSS: (Some students put their hands on the carpet.)
T: Where did he put the slugs?
S: In a jar.
T: In a jar. Good job.
Letâs pick up some slugs. (Gestures picking up something.)
Oh, this is a good one boys. OK (Said as she shuffles some flash
cards.)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 72
Close your eyes.
S: Somebodyâs peeking!
T: I know. Take a look Freddie. Donât tell. Do you know what it is?
(Holding a flash card with the word moved on it with ed in red and mow in green.)
Whisper in Freddieâs ear.
Now whisper in his ear.
Now do you know how you want to show that?                              80
Giving More Exposure to New Words
T: OK turn around. Say, what is our action?
S: Say what is our action. (Points to another student.)
T: Is that your action? Uhm. Show your action.
SSS: (Many raise their hands.)
S: I know.                                                                                  85
S: I know.
S: (points to another student and says a name)
T: I think I forgot to have you do that. How funny. All right.
S: (Pushes plastic toy lawn mower across the floor.)
T: All right. Now come back and say what is our action.
T: Is that our action?                                                                    91
T: 446 words             S/SSS: 37 words               Time: 4:15
I hope that at least a few of you will send your comments after reading the transcript a few times.
I addition to trying to decide what her beliefs about teaching and learning are you can of course ask other questions such as what habits the teacher is using that she might not be aware of, how what she is doing which she thinks is helpful might not be helpful, how she underestimates or over underestimates her students.
In a subsequent blog I will send along comments any of you make as well as the person who wrote the book the transcript is from and her conversation with the teacher.
Enjoy, enjoy.
Overcoming the tyranny of Power Point and using its advantages
When I attend presentations when people use Power Point, nine times out of ten, the speaker reads the print or figures on each projected slide aloud, pointing to some items with a red beam of light to remind those of us in the audience what item is being read aloud. The font in the slides is often too small for those of us in the audience to see if we sit beyond the 6th row. But this does not matter because if there are fewer than 50 of us we are given a printed copy of each slide. So we can read the print even in a small font since we have it before our eyes.
What I do and notice others doing is reading the printed slides in front of us. Since we can read silently at least twice as fast as the person reading aloud, we often close our ears and focus our eyes.
Why these practices are so widespread I would like any of you who are keen on these practices to tell me.
Even some who follow these practices are not able to tell me why they follow these steps except to say, “everyone does.”
If you are fine with these usual steps, stop reading. If you would like to consider some alternatives, here are a few.
Alternative I
- Good morning. Pls. read the first 3 slides on the handout and write a question or comment you have about them.
- Discuss the comments and respond to the questions and ask participants to respond to questions from others in the audience.
- Pls. read the next 3 slides, or 4 or whatever number deal with one point.
- Repeat step 2.
In short, use the texts as an impetus to discuss the points you are making rather than just talking at people and then at the end say “Oh, we have a few minutes left if you want to ask any questions.”
Alternative II
I have attached some remarks I made at an opening ceremony at a college I was president of in NZ. The ceremony was held in a theater that seated around 500 people. New students, present students, faculty, parents of students and members of the community were attending.
There was a large screen on the stage where I was standing so that the 10 pictures at the bottom of the page, which I showed one by one as I mentioned them, were easily seen by all 500 in the audience. The projected pictures were like 20 feet square! As I mentioned each picture I pointed to features that I was talking about using the red beam so loved by those who use Power Point. The pictures were in color when I projected them. In the jpg on page 4, as part of this Blog, they are black and white as you can see.
I had not given out a printed copy of my comments so some in the audience missed many of my comments. But since my questions were similar, just to ask participants to wonder, they in fact did wonder.
And when I took off my suit jacket, tie and dress shirt, though I said many words they were not needed as the people could see what I was doing.
Having said this, since many in the audience were not strong speakers of English, they could connect what I said with my actions and the pictures so they could get more than if I had just shown what I was saying in Power Point.
When you get to PDF 3 on page 5 you will see that the copy is not perfectly clear so you will have to figure out the numbers on the clock that are in reverse order and you cannot see the message on my t-shirt since the message is on the back of the t-shirt and the picture of the universe is on the front.
Oh, by the way, the Governor General in NZ is the representative of the queen. But NZ, to generalize, is a very egalitarian society so the GG was not at all taken aback by my taking off my jacket, tie and dress shirt.
Enjoy, enjoy.
PS Consider using Power Point in a playful way rather than as a kind of straightjacket. Projecting pictures with Power Point can engage participants a great deal. In the past we had to use overhead projectors or slide projectors. PP is an advance. Why not try not take advantage of this a re using visuals. Why not take advantage of the advantage of this advance?
Start the term recording some directions!
After the August break, maybe you will have a bit more energy. Consider using some of the extra energy to record your directions in at least class. Then ask your students to transcribe what you have said. Have a student replay the recording at least three times. The student can pause, rewind and replay as others in the class request.
Remind the students not to erase anything they write but rather cross out and alter what they write after hearing the directions the second or third time. Ideally students can use a different colored pen or pencil for each draft–black for the first, blue for the first edit, pencil for the second edit.
Here are some transcriptions of a direction that a teacher gave every day for 10 days before recording it and asking the students to transcribe what she had been saying. Of course some days she said 3 or 4 rather than 2. Sometimes she said difficult rather than east. But the pattern was the same.
Twose key words other understand.
 Key words very easy understand.
Two have very easy key word.
 To the key word is the understand.
 Tou the easy key word is understand.
 To the key word is understand.
One of the few times we use language naturally is when we give directions. But if our students do are not able to hear what we are saying they cannot master the natural language.
“These two key words are easy to understand.” is what the teacher had said. Here are a few variations of the pattern that we can use:
These 5 key words are very difficult to write.
These 2 significant phrases are tough to say.
This idiom is fun to read.
The underlined words are important to remember.
What we say and what others hear is often different not only in giving directions but in all spoken messages. When you see how students mishear what you say in your directions shown by transcriptions, you know what you need to teach. No need to make, give and mark tests.
Trust you will enjoy the term after the break!
Table of Contents and Introduction to Small changes in teaching
IntroTable of Contents with video
Fellow explorers,
I am attaching The Table of Contents from Small changes in teaching, big results in learning and a printed copy of the Introduction to the Audiobook version of Small changes which will be available in the near future.
I am attaching the Table of Contents so those who buy the Audio book can look at the Table of Contents in printed form and select a section of interest. The book is not meant to be listened to in the numerical order of the sections. Rather, I invite teachers to select a title that intrigues or puzzles them.
I am attaching The Table of Contents as well so those who visit my blog can ask questions about titles in The Table of Contents or tell me to describe what is in a particular section of interest.
I hope that my blog can be interactive and that I can respond to your questions and comments and not just send messages
The Introduction I am attaching so you can read the rationale for producing an Audiobook version and to highlight themes from the book.
Enjoy, enjoy.
Table of contents for Small changes in teaching, big results in learning
Dear fellow explorers,
I titled my iTDi blog Teaching as discovery because that is what I think teaching is.
In the past, when I posted messages on my blog teachers who read them made comments or asked questions. These days it seems most people just read blogs and do not comment.
I am attaching the Table of Contents for my book in hopes that as you look at it some of the titles might intrigue you, or confuse you so that you will write a comment or question. I can then comment on your question or your comment. In this way we can jointly explore your teaching and discover something new about it.
I am also attaching the printed version of the Introduction to what will be an audiobook version of Small changes which will be available in 2020.
Later I will send the audio version of the introduction.
Maybe these will stimulate you to raise questions just as I hope the Table of Contents for the book will.
Enjoy, enjoy.