Welcome to the iTDi Blog

Welcome to the iTDi Blog

Welcome to the iTDi Blog

Teaching for a cause

with Theodora Papapanagiotou as guest editor

I have always believed that teaching is not only teaching a subject, but something much greater than this. We are using our power to share knowledge, but also to do something good for the community, make our students think about what’s happening in the world, and give them a chance to participate in changing it. In this issue we will explore some of the causes that teachers support, and wonderful projects that they have started in order to raise awareness and inspire others. Angelos Bollas gives us advice on teaching about inclusion, equality and diversity, Margarita Kosior describes her Tales of Strays project, Craig Wherlock shares a lesson plan about racism, and Efi Tzouri shares her experience with the Hands Up Project.


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Previous issue…

In Part 2 of the Teacher and Student Well-being issue, Marc Helgesen (Japan) shares happiness hacks based on the science of positive psychology, Chris Rush (USA) provides solutions for three of the most common issues related to working from home, and Patrice Palmer (Canada) poses the question (and attempts to answer) Well-being for all in Education: A lofty goal?