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Curtis Kelly, Marc Helgesen, and Joseph Shaules are English teachers who are involved in studying neuroscience, psychology and culture. In each session, they will explore what science has discovered about how we learn, and how how learning about neurolinguistics can make us more effective teachers.

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In this course, you will read articles recommended by the instructor, watch four recorded sessions, and answer four discussion questions. (This is not a live course.) If you would like to receive a Certificate of Completion verifying 20 hours of professional development credit, email your answers to these questions in a separate word document to su*****@iT**.pro for evaluation. In the body of your document, please include your name as you wish it to appear on your certificate, your email address, and the name of course you have completed. Take this course


As always, iTDi believes that all teachers deserve the same opportunity to improve themselves. Therefore, a limited number of scholarships will be available for this course. Please apply through our scholarship application.

About Marc Helgesen:

Marc Helgesen, Professor, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University, Sendai, Japan has written over 150 articles, books and textbooks on English Language Teaching including the English Firsthand series for Pearson Education. He has been an invited speaker at conferences on 5 continents. He maintains two public websites: and HelgesenHandouts.

About Curtis Kelly:

Curtis Kelly (EdD), Professor, Kandai University, Osaka, has spent most of his life developing learner-centered materials for “3L” students, students with low ability, low confidence, and low motivation. He has given over 350 presentations and written over 30 books, including Active Skills for Communication (Cengage), and Writing from Within (Cambridge). He is also the coordinator of the JALT Brain Special Interest Group

About Joseph Shaules:

Joseph Shaules (PhD) has been a tenured faculty at Rikkyo University and a special associate professor at Rikkyo's Graduate School of Intercultural Communication. He directs the Japan Intercultural Institute (JII) and is Japan specialist for Intercultures, Germany. Books include Identity (OUP),Deep Culture (Multilingual Matters) and The Intercultural Mind: Connecting Culture, Cognition and Global Living. (Intercultural Press).   iTDi Advanced Skills Self Study courses allow you to access and enjoy the content of popular Advanced Skills live courses, at your own pace and at a time that is convenient for you.
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