This course is from 2022. Dorothy will be repeating this course (with FIVE live sessions) in July 2023.
The content is up to you—it could be lesson plans, exercises for students, essays and reflections, research results, or whatever strikes your fancy! Not every work will be something suitable to sell, but you’ll learn the entire process, from considering an audience/market your work, formatting .epub files, working with images and audio, creating a cover, determining where to publish, setting prices, and marketing. This 5-week online iTDi Advanced Skills course will bring up to 26 teachers together in our user-friendly iTDi online classroom every Sunday, and then continue throughout the week, sharing, discussing and reflecting in a private but vibrant online community. As a registered participant, don’t worry if you ever have to miss a class or if the time for the live sessions doesn't work well for your time zone. You’ll receive weekly recordings of each class, full transcripts of the text chat during class, assigned readings and a PDF of the PowerPoint slides. Furthermore, the online community will certainly become a wealth of ideas and information, and it will remain private and online for your use anytime in the future. For more information about course content, About Self-Publishing for ELT Professionals.
This is more than just a “how to”—it’s the actual doing.
Everyone registering for this course is expected to:- Have a legal copy of Microsoft Word and a way to read ebooks on your computer, tablet or phone
- Prepare and polish original material for an ebook
- Attend (or watch recordings of) the four live sessions
- Complete the discussion tasks and assigned readings
- Post your own work and respond to the work of others
Live online sessions will be held in the iTDi virtual classroom in July. Live sessions will happen at 03:00 GMT, which will be Saturday in the Americas, and Sunday in Asia. There will be five live sessions during this year's course. Live sessions (registered participants only)
- July 3rd – course participants only (60 minutes)
- July 10th – course participants only (60 minutes)
- July 17th – course participants only (60 minutes)
- July 24th – course participants only (60 minutes)
- July 31st – course participants only (60 minutes)
Cost: $169 USD (We can provide receipts for research funds, if needed.) Required: a legal copy of Microsoft Word and material to work with (not necessarily a full manuscript). Registration includes five live sessions and unlimited discussions each week in a private forum. Participants will be expected to submit work for peer feedback and provide feedback on other participants' work. Participants who wish to receive a certificate will be expected to submit an .epub of their project to demonstrate competency with the publishing tools.