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Do you have to choose a suitable vocabulary app for your students? Select digital materials? Recommend a learning platform for your school? Formally or informally, many teachers and academic managers select and evaluate digital learning materials quite often. On what basis or criteria do we assess these learning materials, whether created by a teacher, an ELT publisher or a tech company?


With Pete Sharma. This course is over, but can still be studied through recordings.

“I love this app!” “I hate it!” “My students love it!” We often find ourselves assessing digital materials, but how subjective are we? Can we evaluate digital materials objectively? This course is designed to formally reflect on the criteria on which we evaluate digital learning materials. It provides a systematic approach, taking participants through the What? Why? Who? and How? of evaluation. Participants assess material relevant to them, share the evaluation with others and finish the course with a useful set of tools. If you have to select digital materials for your school or class, this course is for you. This 4-week online iTDi Advanced Skills course will bring up to 100 teachers together in our user-friendly iTDi online classroom every Sunday, and then continue throughout the week, sharing, discussing and reflecting in a private but vibrant online community. As a registered participant, don’t worry if you ever have to miss a class. You’ll receive weekly recordings of each class, full transcripts of the text chat during class, assigned readings and a PDF of the PowerPoint slides. Furthermore, the online community will certainly become a wealth of ideas and information, and it will remain private and online for your use anytime in the future.

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